Thursday, 17 February 2011


Some of the more observant followers of this blog may have noticed that a posting has disappeared.  This has happened because the particular post was written as a means to vent some frustration and although I did enjoy writing it I have decided to with draw it because it was more of an expose on my state of mind and not based on any reliable information other than my own rage inspired conjecture.  Since writing that entry I have done further research into the matter and am wiser to the following.
  1. Ibuprofen is an accepted, although not recommended treatment for gout.
  2. Colchicum, prescribed by the second doctor, seems to be the worlds N°1 treatment for an acute attack of gout.
  3. Once a person has had an episode of gout there is an extremely high probability that they will continue to have recurrent episodes.  Hooray!
  4. The side effects to consuming large amounts Colchicum are diarrhoea and nausea.  I have since lost a third of my body weight and feel like I am imploding every time I use the lavatory.  So to recap I have nausea, diarrhoea and gout together, all I need now is haemorrhoids and my world will be complete.
  5. I have been reliably informed that doctors are not puppets of soulless, profit hungry, multinational pharmaceutical companies and are, in fact, conscientious and respected members of our society.

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