Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Interview

I have been sending my CV out to anybody and everybody since I arrived and today I received an invitation for an interview.  It was all in Deutsche so I used the incredibly helpful and easy to use Google translate application.  Here is the unadulterated text.

ehr Mr. Kramer,

the Group Function Innovation, Site & Mechanical Engineering would like to invite you for an interview.

The following dates are available:

Thursday, 17th February,
Thursday, 24th February
Wed, 2nd March
Thursday, 3rd March

each of 15 clock.

Please tell us which date you would be comfortable. You can call us any time. If you need a hotel reservation, we can make love to you.

Yours sincerely,

Note the last line.  It goes without saying that I will be fronting up for this one.  Should I ask for a photo first?

Obviously someone at Google is taking the piss.  Even with my small understanding of German I can't see how they got "we can make love to you" from "können wir diese für Sie gerne vornehmen"Still funny though.  Try it yourself.  Paste the following into google translate.

Falls Sie eine Hotelreservierung benötigen, können wir diese für Sie gerne vornehmen.

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