Sunday, 20 February 2011

Besucher aus Stuttgart

Note the dejected look on Emelia's face and the supercilious look on mine.
We had guests staying with us over the weekend.  Markus and Andrea, with their baby daughter Emelia, drove down from Stuttgart to spend the night.  I really enjoy their company and have since I first met them.  I am an Engineer, Markus is an Engineer so nothing more needs to be said really.  In the future the world won't be ruled by apes, it will be ruled by Engineers and it will be a better place.

Emelia is 16 months old so I welcomed the opportunity to speak German with someone at about my level.  I spent the weekend paying out on her because of her poor vocabulary and woeful verb conjugation and just generally feeling superior to her.  It was a pretty low act but these days I have to take the opportunities when they come.  We had a very lazy and relaxing weekend choosing not to do much other than play with Amelia, chat and go for the occasional walk.  It started to snow on Sunday afternoon, just light small crystals.
The first sign of spring

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