Tuesday, 1 February 2011


Luitpold Park
I decided to stop thinking about it and finally do it today.  I took the bike out for a ride in Munchen.  It was -6° so I put on my light merino, my mid weight merino, my heavy weight merino, a woollen jumper, my polatec fleece, my woollen beanie and my ski gloves.  I rode from the flat to the English Garden using The Force to guide me.  I have to say that I really enjoyed cruising the streets and cycleways.  The uncertainty about whether you have right of way or if you are allowed to ride on the wrong side road or not is quite exhilerating.  I rode on cobblestones for the first time and can honestly say they suck.
The English Garden

Once I reached the English Garden I was off the tarmacadam and onto the snow and ice, by this time I had began to lose sensation in my fingers.  I cruised through the park heading South.  I was heading to the local break to see if anyone was catching any waves.  I had my doubts that anyone would be out in sub zero temperatures but to my surprise there were a few surfers in their super steamers having some fun.  For those that don't know Munich has it's own surf break.  You have to wear a steamer or preferably a dry suit and you can only use a short board but it is a popular break none the less.  Jack Johnson has even surfed it.
The local break

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