Thursday, 3 February 2011

A day of firsts

Today the inevitable happened.  My usual route through the park has me following a broad path up the hill to one of three view points.  From there I head down, following either of two minor paths.  These minor paths are not dressed with gravel and have become hard packed and icy so a great deal of care is taken negotiating my way down.  Today however the usually treacherous ice covered paths seemed to have changed composition, offering the wayward explorer firmer footing.  I was just thinking to myself how pleasant it was to be walking with confidence in my every step when I suddenly found myself on my back with sore wrists and a bruised arse.

After I had recovered my dignity I continued my walk. The second first of the day was when I saw a woodpecker.  Occasionally I have heard a woodpecker whilst walking in the park but have never seen it.  Today with sky clear for the second time since arriving I saw the little blighter, high up in a tree relentlessly banging is head against a branch.  I tried to take photo but it only shows what may or may not be a bird high up in a tree.  I stood and watched the woodpecker for a long while until the third first of the day happened.  I had a conversation in German with a complete stranger. A lady walking her dog noticed me watching the woodpecker and wanted to know where it was.  I proudly pointed out my pecker to her.  She rattled some more German to me and I told her that I couldn't speak German.  She nodded sagely, then continued speaking Deutsche.  She told me that there were two types of woodpecker in the park and we both agreed that it was wonderful to see them in the centre of Munich.  She said she had lived in Munich for more than 50 years, and that, when she was little Luitpold Park used to be home for some brown four legged animals, she could have been referring to marmots or maybe beavers or even a bear, I will never know.

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