Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Karneval Tuesday München

On returning to München I was surprised to find that the school had decided to finish classes early that day and hold a little Karneval party.  They generously provided the students and teachers with Prosecco and Berliners.  The plan then was to head into the centre of town for the street party.  To give you an idea of how easy bicycling in München is consider this.  The students left on mass to go to Marienplatz.  They took the U-Bahn and I rode my bike.  I was there 10 minutes before them and it cost nothing.  It took a bit of phone coordination to find each other but we got there in the end.

The usual suspects from my class quickly lost sight of the others and congregated around the first stand selling alcohol.  "Let's get some schnapps!"  Some said with much enthusiasm.  I always love playing this game.  "What? You mean like strong liquor.  I don't think I should."  "Go on it will be fun."  "Well just one then..." (Suckers)

Harry and I going all gangstar with Feigling.  Yo

 We wandered amongst the revellers enjoying the enthusiasm of the crowd.  Occasionally seeking refreshment and sustenance.  Eventually Harry insisted that we find somewhere that we could sit down and drink some beer.  Being the street wise Münchener  that I am I managed to lead every one to the only quiet bar in the centre of town that day.
The beer forest

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