Monday, 7 March 2011

Karneval Monday - The big Kahoona

The wooden spoon brigade

The daisy nipple float


More colour

A smile in the crowd

Distributing the lollies

The society of gynaecologists
The crazy Bumble Bee dancers

3 hours of continuously showering

3 hours of continuously being swung on the end of a davit
Monday was our last day in Köln/Bonn and had us heading into Bonn to watch the Rosenmontagsumzug.  Literal translation is Rose Monday Around Train and means the Rose Monday Parade.  The day was very laid back compared to our other Karneval adventures.  We packed our bags loaded them into the car and drove to a U Bahn station then caught the train into the centre of Bonn.  We arrived just at the start of the parade.  I climbed up onto a switch box next the U bahn entrance, this gave me a good vantage point to take endless photos.  The lighting wasn't ideal and I was shooting into the sun for most of the time.  However I took loads of photos, some of which are posted here.

We watched the parade for almost 3 hours.  This gives you some idea of how long the procession was.  For 3 hours we were passed continuously by floats, bands, dancers and clowns.  Conscious of the time we left before it finished and caught the train back to where the car was parked.  Birgit then dropped us the airport and before we new it we were touching down in München.

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